Easton absolutely hates tummy time and so I don't feel like I do it enough. But this is the typical sequence of events that happens....
starting out he is happy.....

But after a few minutes he starts screaming bloody murder....
I can only take so much screaming so I turn him back on his back....
Then he realizes he is back on his back....

And he is content again.

Does anyone have any experience with this? How often did you do tummy time?
Well on another note, here are some more updated pics of little E. He is changing so much every day.
Aubrey hated it and I must admit I didn't do routine tummy time like I should! Instead try letting him do tummy time on you- just recline and let him lay on your chest and practice lifting his head and pushing up that way! That is what I did. Plus babies love trying to look at their mommas! He is such a beautiful boy!
what a cutie! i love the little paul frank t-shirt! look at all that hair, too! tummy time will get easier with time, i wouldn't stress about it. doctors like to make you think everything is do or die, but he'll turn out alright whether he's had the exact quotent of needed tummy time or nothing at all :)
He is a doll! Just precious Nicole!
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