Easton's first Christmas was wonderful. It was so much fun having my little boy to share the holidays with this year. I remember this time last Christmas I had just had surgery and was going through a lot emotionally and praying for a little one. This year all that is behind me and I could just love on
Easton and praise God for this wonderful gift he has given us.
Easton has truly changed my world in so many wonderful ways. God is
SOOO good!
Easton's Christmas adventure started the morning of Christmas Eve. Chris,
Easton and I got up and went over to Chris's grandparents house for Christmas with them. We had lunch with them and open gifts.
Easton and Me at Chris's grandparents
After we left Chris's grandparents we went home and got changed really quick for church. We went to the 3:00 service with my parents and Chris's parents. They had just gotten into town to spend Christmas at Chris's grandparents. I am happy we went to the early service because it started snowing hard and a lot of churches start canceling their services. It was
sooo exciting that
Easton got a white Christmas on his first Christmas. That is so rare in Dallas. I wish I got a better picture of the snow. This was just the beginning before it had snowed very much.

After church we went over to the Horn's house. Every year we spend Christmas Eve with them. We had a lot of fun and it was great spending time with them. They are literally like my second family.

Amber, Suzanne, Michelle, Me and
Easton (he was tired of pictures...ha)
This was also the night I realized he had outgrown all his clothes and needed to go up a size. So my poor little boy looks like he is wearing
capris. He also dirtied the cute little outfit I had him in at church before I got any pictures. Guess that is the way it goes. HA!

Our family Christmas Eve
On Christmas Day we went to my parents house. We had a house full. My grandmother, parents, Nathan and Amanda, and family friends (The Edwards and
Scammahorns) were all there. We had a great time. My brother and Amanda bought him the cutest little
Santa suit...see below.
Easton got a lot of gifts too. He got lots of clothes, books, toys, money(for savings) etc. He is definitely a loved little boy. I can't wait for next year to spoil him even more!
The day after Christmas we went to Houston for a week to have Christmas with Chris's parents. We came back home on New Years Day. Little E was definitely tired but I am so happy that we have a laid back, go with the flow little one. Hope it stays that way! Well here are some pictures from Christmas Day at my parents house. I hope everyone had a great holiday!