Chris and Me at Dinner
Last Friday one of my best friends from high school was in town with her husband who Chris gets along with really well. So we always have fun hanging out with them. We went to Benihanas for some Hibachi! YMMMM. We had a great time and had LOTS of laughs. We ended up closing the place down. I think the valet was a ready for us to get out of there so they could go home because the car was just waiting on us. HA! I don't get to see Amber very much though so I had to take full advantage! Amber, if you are reading this, thanks for the fun night out and can't wait to do it again soon. Still praying for you two to move back to BIG D!

For Fathers Day we always have a tradition of Pinatas and Horse Races. I know it is kind of a random tradition and not really sure how it all started. But it is a tradition none the less and we always have a great time!

Here is my dad getting ready to hit his pinata that was a $100 bill. I found it appropriate since he is a finance guy.

Chris picked out his own pinata...he picked a guitar. I have no idea why as I don't think he has ever played a guitar in his life, but he like it.

It didn't take him long to knock it down. He even did it left handed. That is my little baseball player for you!
Next, we went on to the Horse Races. Can we say HOT!! Being Prego makes the heat so much more miserable. I still had fun, but definitely did a lot more sitting in the shade and drank TONS of water. We laughed a lot at my mom, she kept winning but the payoff would only be like 20 cents. She kept betting on the horses with the low odds. We had a lot of laughs.
Last weekend I also got to meet my good friend Tara's little boy, Lincoln(look at all the hair!). I am sure there will be many playdates with our boys in the near future! Can't wait. Lincoln was such a sweetheart. He just slept on me and it was such a good feeling. Definitely got my baby fix in! Thanks Tara for posting the pic so I could steal it off your blog. :)
On the baby front...a quick update. I am 22 weeks this week. Things are going great. Feeling good and at that perfect stage of being past the morning sickness phase and not quite big enough to be uncomfortable. I finally LOOK pregnant for the random people that don't know me. Last week I had the first stranger make a comment about me being prego. It was a great feeling to know that people can tell I am prego and not just some chick with a beer gut. This little guy is very active. KICKS ALOT. He even wakes me up in the middle of the night. Chris got to feel his first kick a few weeks ago and my mom felt him on Fathers Day. Baby Fields Definitely likes to punch and kick. I think Chris is hoping that is a good sign. He keeps saying that it is his pitching arm. Ha! Well I have my next Dr. appt on Monday...it should be a short one. Not sure if I will have any updates.
This weekend we will be helping my parents move into their new house. Finally after 2 years of looking, they finally bought a house. I am excited to use their pool and their media room. YEAH.
Oh and Chris and I also went last weekend and ordered all our baby furniture and bedding! Yeah for making some progress. I will post about that later and include some pictures.
Oh and Chris and I also went last weekend and ordered all our baby furniture and bedding! Yeah for making some progress. I will post about that later and include some pictures.
I hope everyone is having a great week!
You may have already said this but since I just found your blog- are you having a girl or a boy? So fun feeling kicks!
Wow-- 22 weeks! You are more than 1/2 way there :) So happy for you, Nic!
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