Friday, December 18, 2009

Lots of Smiles

For a few weeks now Easton has started to become a lot more interactive. He really listens when you talk to him and smiles a lot in response. I haven't gotten a picture of his "real" smile yet, but here are some pictures of him smiling and laughing in his sleep. He will literally chuckle in his sleep. I have no idea if it is just a reflex of some sort or if he is dreaming something funny...but either way it is super cute. Here are some pics while he was napping in his swing yesterday morning.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Easton's first play date with Campbell - Crybaby Matinee

Last Thursday my friend Amber and I took our babies to the Crybaby Matinee at the Angelika theater to see the movie Precious. Amber and I met this summer at a wedding shower and became friends when we found out we were both prego and due only weeks apart. Her little boy Campbell and Easton were born only a day apart. It was fun getting out of the house and doing something "Normal" with the nugget. The movie was really good just very heavy. It was fun seeing all the moms with their babies and they even had a little changing table in the theater. Easton and Campbell both did great and slept through most of it. We had a great time and then had lunch at Mi Cocina. I can't wait for the next Crybaby Matinee!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We went to Houston for Thanksgiving this year. Easton did great on his first road trip. He literally slept the entire way there and back. The car puts him to sleep every time...I wonder how long that will last. I know soon enough we will be hearing "Are we there yet?" over and over again. ha. We were in Houston for an entire week. Unfortunately a bug was passed around the family and Chris and his mom were sick with a cold most of the week. His dad got it the day after we left. Fortunately Easton and I managed to stay away from it and didn't get the bug. But it did give us a nice week to relax and just take it easy. Here are some pictures from the week.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Newborn photos- THANKS Rachel!!

Sorry I am soooo behind on sure gets busy with a baby! I have several posts that I need to write but I will start with this one. One of my dear friends who is a professional photographer gave me the most precious baby gift and offered to take newborn photos of Easton. She did a fabulous job!!! They turned out simply amazing and I couldn't be happier. Thanks Rachel!!!! Here are some pictures from the day...Easton was 2 1/2 weeks in these.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prayer Request!!!! PRAY PRAY PRAY!

Sorry I have been MIA lately. We were in Houston all last week for Thanksgiving visiting Chris's family. Since we have been back I have been going non stop but hopefully after this week things will slow down and I will catch everyone up on what has been going on. In the mean time I ask you all to pray for my sweet friend Amber. She is a wonderful friend of mine from high school but more like family as our families always spends Christmas eve together and our mom's are inseparable. She is battling a major illness and is at Mayo Clinic. Please read her story on caring bridge and keep her in your prayers. For those of you who knew Kristin Day. Basically Amber has the same kind of tumor but in her spine. She is meeting today to find out when to do surgery which could potentially leave her paralyzed. They are hoping the tumor hasn't grown fingers yet. My heart is completely breaking and I am totally praying for a miracle.
Thanks for your prayers!

Amber and Me at our graduation lunch in High School

Me, Paige and Amber on Christmas Eve

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Birth Story

Sorry it has taken me SOOO long to post this. I am just trying to enjoy this time with Easton and have not been on the computer very much. Right now he is sleeping in his swing so I though I would try to document the story before I forget. It all started on Tuesday the 27th. I went in for my 40 week appointment at my doctors. I was 50% effaced about 3 cm dilated. We talked and she said the she really wanted me to have this baby that week. She said that the risks of post term were too high to wait. So she gave me the option of going into the hospital that night to start Cervidil to help me dialate and then she would induce me on Wednesday morning. Or I could go in Thursday and be induced on Friday. I really didn't want to risk having Easton on Halloween so I decided that I would be induced that night!

Well I had to be at the hospital by 6:00 that night so I didn't even have time to go home before hand. So I didn't have my bags or anything. I decided I wanted to go get a pedicure really fast. One last "pamper me" time before I became a mom. So I called Chris and he headed home from work to get our bags. Since he works in Fort Worth he had quite a drive and was in horrible traffic. I went to the hospital at 6:00 to check in...I kept mentioning "my husband" like... does my husband need to check in before he meets me in my room. I didn't want them to think I was some knocked up girl with out a baby daddy. Ha!

Once I got checked in I headed up to the 4th floor to start the Cervidil. They let me take a quick shower before they hooked me up to the monitors. I only had 10 minutes I didn't even have time to dry my hair. My dream of being all fixed up for labor went down the tubes. I had to face it...I was going to look like I had been hit by a truck.. no make up, my hair air dried and frizzy and glasses to boot. Definitely not what I had in mind for my first pictures with my new little man in my life. Well once I got settled in and hooked on the monitors they nurses were quite surprised that I was having major contractions. I seriously had NO idea. I just dismissed them as braxton hicks. But they were off the chart every 2 minutes. I am glad I was at the hospital because I would not have thought that was real labor. So needless to say, I didn't spend much time on 4th floor...I went ahead and moved down to labor and delivery. Then they ended up giving me something to slow down my contractions they were coming so fast and strong that it was putting a lot of stress on Easton and his heart rate kept dropping. The meds made me very nauseous and when my doctor came in to check on me, I ended up throwing up. That wasn't a very proud moment. Sometime that night I got my epidural, but it was all such a blur I have no idea what time it was. Then on Wednesday around 3:30ish I started to push. I really think my epidural had worn off by then because I could totally feel Everything. But in a way, I liked it because I could really tell how to push and 45 minutes later Easton was here! It was the best feeling in the world. I was in some major pain though, I got a 4th degree tear and that was worse than any of the labor and delivery. That night was the worst pain of the entire experience.

But by Thursday morning, my pain meds were doing there job and I was so distracted with my little E that I couldn't really care about the pain. Here are some pictures from the experience.

The clock, the time he was born and the NICU team. He had gone to the bathroom so there was meconium in the fluid. So they had the team on standby just in case he had any complications since there was a chance he could have gotten some of the meconium in his lungs. Fortunately that didn't happen and he was healthy.

My doctor and nurse

Right after he was born

Getting cleaned up in the nursery

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Updated Pics

I have updated Easton's shutterfly website with photos.

I promise to get on soon and share my story of Easton's birth. Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What a week!

Sorry I haven't updated yet. This week has truly been an emotional rollercoaster for our family. Easton is doing great and the sweetest baby boy ever! I couldn't ask for an easier baby. He is very laid back so far and only cries when something is wrong. And as soon as you fix the problem he is happy again. So if he cries it is usually because he is either hungry or needs a diaper change. I am so blessed!

This week has been pretty rough for us though. Our baby Sage had a major episode of multiple seizures on Tuesday. She has been fighting for her life all week. It has literally been an hour by hour wait and see. Her seizures lasted off and on for 10 hours before they were able to get her to a stable condition. Chris and I spent the week getting up early in the morning to transport her to and from the emergency hospital back to our regular vet. And then taking her back again in the evening to the emergency facility. She is doing much better today and they have gotten her on her oral meds now that she will be on the rest of her life. It has been a really rough time for Chris and I as many of you know how much we love our dogs and they truly are our first babies. She most likely won't ever be the "same" dog anymore as the medication will slow her down a bit. But I have no doubt that our love for her will not change and if anything she is just going to be more spoiled now! Grace has been really taking it hard this week. Today she isn't wanting to eat so I am anxious to get Sage home so she knows she is ok. I will keep you all posted and once things slow down I will write in detail all about our precious baby boy. He is truly a gift from God and we couldn't ask for a better baby. He blows me away with how sweet he is. I am in total aww!

Please keep us in your prayers over the next few weeks as this medicine takes its course on Sage. We are praying that she responds well and stays seizure free.

Here are some updated photos of Little E. I will post soon.

Friday, October 30, 2009

We are Home!

We just got home today and we are all doing great! Easton is healthy and the sweetest little boy ever! Just so in love with him. Here are a few pictures and next week I will write a detailed blog catching everyone up and have more photos to share. Until our new little arrival.... Easton Carter Fields!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Easton has arrived!

Hi guys,
Just wanted to send a quick update. Easton was born on October 28th (his actual due date) at 4:21pm. He weighed 8lbs., 9oz. Nicole and Easton are doing great.

More updates soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

39 weeks - 2 More weeks MAX!

Yesterday I had my 39 week appointment. There was a little progress but not as much as I was hoping for. Everything was about the same but my effacement moved from 25% to almost 50%. But still dilated at about a 1...she said that it may be a little over a 1 but not much. So basically not much to report on the progress. I also had another ultrasound and his growth is starting to taper off. He was measuring over 7 lbs. I can't remember how many ounces she said. I will need to go back and watch the DVD and see what the screen said. My brain is not retaining information very well right now. HA! She did say that at my next appt. (which is next Tuesday) if Easton still hasn't arrived we would schedule an induction. I am really hoping I either make some progress or he comes on his own. She said at this point, if she were to induce, I would be at high risk for a C-Section. I of course will do what ever is in his best interest, but I am hoping he just makes his big appearance on his own. Preferably the sooner the better! I would think that he would be ready, he looks so uncomfortable in there. His head is so squished. I have a feeling that his head may be a funky shape for a while. OH...and the ultrasound lady talked about what chubby cheeks he has. You can see them in the ultrasound very clearly. Maybe that means he will be a good eater. Well I will keep you posted. In the mean time, please pray that he comes on his own in the next week. And if I can be picky...specifically pray that he is not born on Halloween. ha! But as long as he is healthy, I guess that is all that matters.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last Week of Work

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Our weekend was good. We ended up having a pretty low key weekend with our only big outing was to go to Parker’s 1st bday party…which by the way, Erin, was so fun. Talk about perfect weather and good company. The rest of the weekend we ran some errands and just relaxed. I was going to go with Chris to his friend’s wedding but I totally bailed on him. I didn’t sleep at all on Saturday night (prob. 1 or 2 hours max all together) and woke up feeling like I had been run over by a truck on Sunday. So I spent the day in my pjs just relaxing. Got a few cat naps here and there but that was about it. Lets face it…I don’t know what sleep is anymore. Which brings me to…. This is my last week of work! Hopefully little E will come before Friday, but if not…I will still start my maternity leave regardless. I am ready to be done. I have been pretty bored at work lately because they aren’t giving me any projects knowing that I won’t be here to finish them. So my days consist of searching the web. So if anyone knows any fun websites to look at..send them my way. THANKS! I know this week is only my 39th week, but I am seriously beginning to wonder if he will come on his own. I really don’t want to be induced…but I guess we will just wait and see what happens. I will keep you posted. Pray that E makes his big appearance this week.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

38 weeks - Still waiting

I had my 38 week appt. yesterday. Basically nothing new to report. Still the same 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced. It was a little discouraging but my Doctor reminded me that it really doesn't mean anything. That he could still come tomorrow. I guess I just like to know something is happening. I am just so ready to meet this little guy. But I guess at the same time, the longer he bakes the better off he will be. He needs to come when he is ready..I just wish he and I would get on the same page.

So has anyone out there stayed the same for weeks and then had there baby quickly after that? Any hope would help as I am just READY! ha.

Other than that, nothing else really to report. Trying to just enjoy this time with Chris. We have a busy weekend this weekend with Little P's bday party...Can't wait and a wedding to go to for one of Chris's good friends from college. Somehow getting all dressed up right now doesn't seem that fun, but I will try my best.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

37 weeks and still just waiting

Today marks 37 weeks. Easton is officially full term. Now I just wait. This weeks doctor's appt was yesterday. Nothing really changed from last week. Still 1cm dilated and 25% effaced. Come on little E!!! I am ready to meet you!

On another note... I am getting to the point that I go to my closet and it is a chore to get dressed everyday. Nothing fits right. So I try it on and if it covers up what it needs cover up, it is good enough for me.

I am just getting more excited every day to meet this little guy. And with that, I get more emotional every day. This song has really hit home for me. It makes me think of my little E.


I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice,
and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.

and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
but more than anything,
more than anything,

My wish, for you,
is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big,
your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back,
but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you,
in the place you left,

I hope you always forgive,
and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,

Oh, you find God's grace,
in every mistake,
and always give more then you take.

But more than anything,
Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you,
is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big,
and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,

Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you,
is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big,
your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you,
and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
this is my wish
i hope you know somebody loves you
may all your dreams stay big

Well this weekend we had our big garage sale. It went well. Friday was pretty busy all day. Saturday started out busy but kind of died out that afternoon. Overall we made quite a bit of money and got rid of a lot of junk. Although we still have a lot of junk to donate. We also had a pretty productive weekend. I feel good that if E comes tomorrow I am ready. The few things left on our "to do" list aren't anything major. (like steam clean the carpet). So we definitely made some time this weekend to relax. Here is proof...and this is very typical of our dogs. Sage loves to sit in your lap like a baby and Grace likes to sprawl out.

Well I will keep you posted if anything progresses. We have our next appt. next Tuesday. So you can definitely look for an update then.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

36 Week Appt and Child birth class

Yesterday Chris and I went in for the 36 week ultrasound. We got to see Easton open and close his eyes again and suck on his hand. We also saw all his hair. He seems to have a full head of hair which is no surprise since both Chris and I were born with a lot of hair. She would jiggle my belly and we could see his hair waving back and forth. So that was neat. He is head down still with his back towards my left side. His head looked completely smushed. He didn’t look very comfortable at all…so I guess that makes 2 of us. He was measuring in the 75% at an estimated size at 6lb 12oz so he is getting close to 7 lbs. Then I went to my doctor appt. for my exam. I am currently 1 cm dilated, 25% effaced and a -2 (can’t remember what it is called)….but basically it means she could feel his head but he is still pretty far up there. She said that everyone progresses differently and there is really no telling how much longer….it could be tomorrow or 4 more weeks. Our child birth class was interesting. I definitely could have done with out the video. Didn't need to see that! YIKES! And it scares me that the babies are all blue and they are ripped out of there by their heads. Very traumatic! We got to see the labor rooms and the post partum rooms. But my favorite part was going to the nursery and seeing the babies. I started getting a little emotional just thinking about next time I am here, it will be Little E in that nursery getting weighed and blood drawn, etc...Crazy! It just seems so surreal.

On another note, I had more random vomiting this morning. In our childbirth class last night I learned this is normal…a way of the body cleansing itself to prepare for labor. FUN STUFF! Oh well, it isn’t too bad. It isn’t like the morning sickness kind. It really just comes out of nowhere. I feel fine, have about 2 minutes of feeling sick…get sick…and then I am fine again.

Tomorrow I am taking off work as well as Monday to have some time to get some stuff done…ie: Pack my bag, start cleaning, etc... and also catch up on some sleep. I am also going to go get my hair done. I don't need any brown roots for photos in the hospital. We are also having a joint garage sale with my parents. Since they moved, they have a lot of stuff they want to get rid of, and we do too after we decluttered our house to make room for Easton. Hopefully we will make some good $$. Need some diaper money!
Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Haley

My friend Emily who was due 1 day before me had her little girl Haley last Friday. We haven't met her yet as they have had a ton of family at the hospital and we didn't want to bombard them. But I can't wait to meet her!! It will be fun as it is kind of like getting a glimpse of what Easton is looking like right now. Here is a picture from a previous post of Emily and I with Easton and Haley.
Congrats to Todd and Emily. Chris and I are so happy for you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So Thankful!

Just wanted to post really quick about last Sunday. Chris and I were heading to grab some lunch after church with my parents. We were all in the car, headed to Blue Mesa for their Sunday Brunch. We were at a red light and there were 2 brothers in the back hitting each other. One prob. about 14 or 15, the younger one prob. around 8 or 9. Anyway, at the red light the Dad turns around and starts punching the older brother for beating up on his younger brother. And I am not talking about play slapping or anything like that..this was full fists with the horrible angry look in the father's eyes. Now, I don't think it was right for the older brother to be hitting his little brother, but now I see where it came from. He was doing exactly what his father has set an example to do. That just made me so mad. Chris was fuming too. I wanted to do something...but what do you do when you are in a car, plus this guy obviously had an awful temper. It made me so so so thankful though for Chris. I am so blessed that I have a husband who is patient, kind and even tempered. I am just so thankful to God that our son will have a father that will lovingly yet firmly discipline him and lead by example. Thank you Chris for being the man you are. You are going to be a wonderful father to Easton! He is so lucky!!

35 Weeks! Getting Closer!!!

Yesterday marked the official 35 week mark. I had my last 2 week doctor appt. and from now on I start going every week. I can’t believe how close it is getting! Next week our appointment is on Wednesday and it will be an exciting appointment. We get to do another ultrasound to see if he is still measuring big. I feel like the last couple weeks he has had a growth spurt because I can just tell how much my stomach has grown and by his movement. So we shall see. I am just ready for him to get here! I want to meet him! We also have our child birth class and we get a tour of the hospital. I am starting to make a list of things to pack for the hospital and will prob. Get that packed in the next day or so. So if anyone has some suggestions (other than the normal tooth brush, make up, shampoo, etc) that they were so glad they had…please share! I am starting to get everything washed and the nursery in order. I just want to have everything ready so I can just relax and wait. Nothing else really newsy. Just seems like lately we have been tying up lose ends. On another note, I learned a lesson last night. I think I ate some mint choc. Chip ice cream too late in the evening or something. I was sound asleep last night when all of a sudden out of a dead sleep I started vomiting. I gave Chris quite a scare as he had no idea what was wrong. It was the weirdest thing ever. There were some other funny details involved but I will save those for my friends when I see you in person. TMI for the blog in my opinion. Afterwards, I was fine and woke up fine this morning. My guess is it was just really bad acid reflux. The joys of pregnancy! Ha! At least tomorrow is Friday. Another week of work down!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Car Seat Checks

This is a post to all the new mom's out there that have recently gotten their car seats checked. Where did you go? I have called around and most of the places are booked up until mid October...and I don't want to wait that long or their hours really don't work with our schedule. I made an appt. with the Denton Police Department as they have evening hours, but I REALLY don't want to drive that far. People have told me fire departments and car dealerships do them as well...but I have called around and can't find any dealerships and even though the fire department by our house does (which is the only one I can find that still does them) them..the appts. are only on Tuesdays in the middle of the day and it really doesn't mesh with my work schedule. Anyway..any input would be much appreciated. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Work Shower for Easton

Last Thursday a few of my coworkers threw me a work shower for Easton. It was a lot of fun and nice to get some more fun things for Easton. Now we only have a few more things to buy for him. Here are some pictures from the shower.

Some of his gifts

Sherry and Me

Some of the decorations/gifts

Opening gifts

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

33 Weeks and Counting

Finally after being off sick all last week, I am finally back to the land of the living. Thank goodness! I was going stir crazy!!! Today was also my 33 week doctor appointment. I go back again at 35 weeks and then my weekly appointments will start. I haven’t had anymore cramping in the past few weeks, so that is good. Hopefully he will keep hanging on. I am having a hard time eating very much. The heartburn is just beating me down and making it really hard to eat very much. I actually lost 2 lbs at this appt but my doctor didn’t seem concerned. At my 36 week appointment we will get another ultrasound to see how big he looks. I am starting to get really anxious…it is getting so close! I am just excited to meet this little guy. Chris asked me this weekend if I was getting nervous for the delivery part…I am not scared of the pain but more just nervous that everything goes smoothly. I just want little Easton to be ok. Well just wanted to do a quick update. I know I haven’t had very good posts lately. This weekend we have our Childcare/Infant CPR class so I may have some fun stories from that. Hope everyone had a nice and relaxing 3 day weekend this past weekend. Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I woke up Sunday not feeling very well and was full blown sick by Sunday night and been feeling like crud ever since. I just got the flu shot at my last appt. which was last Wednesday. I get the flu shot every year and never had any problems. Has anyone ever had any problems like this? I just feel so miserable.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Anniversary Part 2

As some of you know...our anniversary didn't go exactly as we expected. I woke up with horrible cramps that lasted about an hour and really bad back pain. So I called into my doctor and she had me come in for some tests. At first she had me do the standard urine test and blood pressure. I then went into a room for her to do an exam. She said that she was going to perform a fetal fibronectin (fFN) which can determine if your body is going to go into labor. She also did an exam and found that my cervix was already softening. It wasn't dilated at all but since it was softening she sent me to the Parinatologist for an ultrasound. Everything looked ok on the ultrasound, but I still have to take it really easy and she said to call me if I have any cramping at all....even in the middle of the night she said to call the emergency number. I also have to take it easy and rest....So that is where I am. I think Little Easton must be anxious to get out of there! The ultrasound revealed his little head is really low in my cervix. So just pray he keeps in there for several more weeks. I am excited to meet him, but only when he is fully ready. So needless to say, Easton is already changing plans...but I guess we need to start getting use to it. :)

Also, thanks to all my friends yesterday that prayed and supported me. It was a tough day, but at least he is still put for now. My prayer is for him to stay there for 7 more weeks and then I will welcome his appearance!

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. I can't believe it has already been 3 years!!! It has honestly been the best 3 years of my life and I am so thankful I have such a wonderful husband who is ALWAYS there for me. LOVE YOU Chris2fur!

Here is a look back at 3 years ago. What a great day it was!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easton's Baby Shower

This past Saturday was Easton’s baby shower. My dear friends Mel, Tara, Jules, Erin, Tiffany, Kathy and Jaime were the hostesses and they did a fantastic job. The day was absolutely perfect. Thanks guys - - what would I do without you???? The invitations were amazing, food was delicious, and the decorations were absolutely adorable. I have been so excited for this day to get here and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Easton got soooo many cute things and we fortunately got most of our “Big” items. It is a wonderful feeling to walk in the house and see all of Easton’s “Stuff”. It makes it start to feel really “REAL”!!!! I just imagine him sitting in his little swing or his highchair and it just gives me goose bumps. I am sooo excited for him to get here. I look back at the past few years and all the heart ache, tears, disappointment of trying SOOO hard for a baby just makes me soooo appreciative. All that was 100% worth it. In just a few short months all that effort is going to bring us our little boy. I am so thankful to all my friends and family that have prayed so hard for us and given us so much support. It means the world to us and I am so thankful that Easton is already so loved. Well enough of my prego emotions….I am sitting here at work and don’t want to get too teary eyed. HA!

Here are some pictures of the day and a link at the bottom will lead you to Easton’s shutterfly website where I will keep everyone updated on his pictures. You can click on it now to see all the pictures from the shower. (If you want to).

The Adorable Cake

The Hostesses

Me and My Mom

The Proud Grandmothers

Easton's Aunt Amanda

Easton's Shutterfly Link is:

On a side note, our dog Sage definitely knows what is going on. She has been sooo sad lately. She keeps sniffing my belly and when we got home on Saturday she didn’t like the fact we were bringing in all the gifts. When we started putting things together, she went in the other room and would not even look at us. She is my ultra sensitive dog that gets jealous very easily. She is very much a “mamma’s girl” and she is definitely having a hard time adjusting and Easton hasn’t even gotten here yet! Poor Sage…this is going to be hard for her. However, she is also very “motherly” and I am hoping she will bond with Easton. It will just be a matter of time. Grace on the other hand just thinks all these new toys are for her. She came walking in the other day carrying one of the bows from the gift wanting us to play fetch with her. I doubt she even notices Easton when he gets here…she tends to be happy in her own little world.

Sage - I promise I will still love you!